Sunday, January 9, 2011

Monster shakuhachi

I made this shakuhachi (I guess it can be called that) from very large root end madake as an experiment.  I positioned the holes according to  Nelson Zink's equation for ergonomic hole placement on large shakuhachi.  The result (as expected) was a 3.0 that plays in E, but manages only one octave plus a bit.  As expected, it takes a lot of air, but is manageable both from that point of view and from a handling point of view.

Here is the 3.0 next to a 2.0 for comparison.
Have a listen!


  1. I enjoyed that thank you for sharing. Jon~

  2. Hey Jeff, yeah definitely thanks for sharing this, both the photo of your monster flute and the sound file. Love the sound!

  3. Thanks for reading, listening and commenting Jon and Erin. It's much appreciated.
